You know when you include paying bills, checking your accounts, and dealing with your budget, how much time do you spend on your finances each day? A new poll found the average American spends 104 hours a year on those things, or about 17 minutes a day. It also found around 1 in 4 people spend at least 260 hours a year worrying about money. That’s another 43 minutes a day. So combined, a lot of us are spending a full hour a day dealing with money stuff. According to this poll: here are some of our worst money habits. Buying stuff, we don’t really need. Spending too much on gifts. Not saying “no” to your kids when they ask for stuff. Spending money on unhealthy food, when you can’t really afford to. Loaning people money when you can't really afford to. Gambling, and things like lottery tickets. AND not sticking to a budget in general. Understanding how to create a budget you can stick to or for any other financial question or concern go to
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