Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 You know we talk about longevity often on Your Safe Money Show and when we’re discussing plans for someone’s retirement too. It’s a really important part of a plan along with many other factors of course. None of us know how long we’ll live but we can make some guesses looking at family history, how long grandma and grandpa lived for example. I saw the other day a question “How many centenarians are living in the U.S.”? This is interesting and telling….according to the U.S. Census Bureau the United States has the most people living to 100 years old or older. There’s 97,000 in the U.S. Japan is second at 79,000. Ladies listen up, 85% living to 100 in the U.S. are women, 15% are men. The Bureau speculates by 2060 there’ll likely be 603,000 living to 100 or older in the U.S. alone. Everything will need to be considered going forward. From my standpoint of helping you with retirement planning, we need to plan for 30, maybe 40 years in retirement and make sure you have enough income to last all the way through. Call for a no cost no obligation appointment at 320-679-5183.

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