Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Updated stimulus information

 Here's the news on the stimulus bill.

Quick note on the process: The House originally passed the stimulus bill, then the Senate tweaked it and passed its own version this weekend. Now, the House will vote on the Senate version (likely today) before it heads to Biden’s desk for his signature.
What’s inside the bill?
• $1,400 stimulus checks: Individuals earning up to $75,000 and couples making up to $150,000 qualify for the entire amount. It phases out at $80k for individuals and $160k for couples.
• More unemployment benefits: The government is tacking on $300/week to existing benefits through early September.
• Child tax credit: The bill expands the child tax credit from $2,000 per child to $3,000.
• Other highlights: $160 billion for vaccine and Covid testing programs, $360 billion for state, local, and territorial governments, and $170 billion for school reopening efforts.

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