Wednesday, March 24, 2021

MNsure special enrollment period and more:

 The annual enrollment period for 2021 private coverage ended December 22, but you may be eligible to enroll outside the annual open enrollment period:

Income changed? You may have new coverage options through MNsure.
Uninsured or not currently enrolled in a plan through MNsure? A COVID-19 special enrollment period is open February 16 through May 17.
Lost or losing health insurance? You may be eligible for a 60-day special enrollment period. This special enrollment period is available year-round to qualifying individuals.
Other qualifying life events—like having a baby, turning 26, or moving—may qualify for a special enrollment period.
If you qualify for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare or are a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe, you can enroll any time of year.
If you have questions call 320-679 5183.

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