Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Day two of National Retirement Planning Week...Topic Risk tolerance

Today is day two of National Retirement Planning Week. Yesterday I talked about budgeting and having an emergency fund. 
Today I want to touch on understanding your risk tolerance. When investing how much can you afford to lose? That really is the question you need to ask yourself.
We have our Color of Money Risk Analysis tool at the home page at yoursafemoneyshow.com. Go ahead check it out, there's no cost. At the end of the eleven questions you'll know how much risk you can handle going forward with your financial planning.
Keeping at least a portion of your retirement income where you never lose your principle. You get a reasonable rate of return. You grab the gains when the market rises but when it falls you stay the same. And if you choose you get a lifetime income you cannot outlive. Yes a pension! That's something you want to consider when planning for your retirement. Questions call 320-679-5183, website again is yoursafemoneyshow.com. 

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