Monday, August 1, 2016

Procrastination and 401(k)'s

I would say one of the most significant psychological factors that keep people from achieving their saving and or retirement goals is procrastination…doing nothing. One way people procrastinate is with 401(k) plans.When a company offers to match a portion of what an employee contributes, that's free money, take it! Unfortunately procrastination sets in; it’s much easier to just imagine doing the right thing in the future. Many more employees say they plan to take action and enroll, than actually do. That’s why more companies have found success with automatic enrollment: In one company that adopted automatic enrollment (when employees first become eligible for the savings plan, they’re automatically enrolled unless they opt out), 401(k) participation rates for new workers increased from 49% to 86%. So automating aspects of your finances, could not only simplify your life, but also eliminate the tendency of procrastination.

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