Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Getting your priorities straight

The other day I was using our DVR, some people have a TiVo, they are devices that record programs and store them for later playback. Inside the program list you can prioritize what shows you want at the top of the list.
This got me thinking about how important it is to get life priorities straight. With each phase of our life those priorities change. For many they get caught up in raising children and having a career and the next thing you know the kids are grown and you’re looking toward retirement.
If you haven’t started sooner, once you get over 50, it’s time to have your retirement plan moved to the top of your priority list.
There are many factors to consider in a plan. Inflation, healthcare costs, family longevity, Social Security benefits, taxes, and more. Since were individuals, each of the factors vary, plus we need to also factor in your wants and needs into the equation. As a retirement income planner my goal is to make the process of getting a retirement plan as simple and beneficial for my clients as possible.

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