Thursday, June 30, 2016

Annual Report from Social Security and Medicare

The Social Security and Medicare trustees annual report was released recently. They’ve been saying funds could run out by 2034 for a while now. This means at that point the program will only have enough revenue coming in to pay 79% of promised benefits. So, if you're expecting to get $2,000 a month, the program will only be able to pay $1,580.
In terms of Medicare, the trustees project the trust fund for Part A, which covers hospital costs for seniors, will run dry by 2028. By 2028, Medicare Part A would only be able to pay out 87% of expected benefits -- a figure that would fall to 79% by 2043 before gradually increasing to 86% by 2090.
Adjustments to these programs are inevitable, and sooner would be better than later. 

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