Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Listener question about a pension and retirement planning

 I had a question sent to me through my YouTube account asking “How having a pension (TRA) , in this case a teachers pension, affects overall financial planning for an individual”? I appreciate the question. In general terms, a pension along with Social Security can be an amazing foundation to an individual's overall retirement plan. But it’s still incredibly important to look at your “whole” picture. And everyone is different. We all have wants, wishes and dreams and as important as the “financial” part of a retirement plan is, we need to consider many factors. I’ve met with so many clients that are still working and their question is “when can I retire”? And when it comes to someone with a pension, I have them get the “paperwork” information specific to them and where they are at with their pension. Whether you are 10 years from retirement or you are ready to be done this year, ask for our Safe Money Kit, it has step by step instructions on how to get a plan started. There’s no cost or obligation, whether you come to see me or not, this is my gift to you. Call 855-226-6639 or go to yoursafemoneyshow.com.

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