Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Medicare and the Inflation Reduction Act

 Here’s one part of the Medicare portion of the Inflation Reduction Act and what it will mean for you. Medicare will start to negotiate prices for qualifying prescription drugs on which it has spent the most money: 10 drugs in 2026, 15 total in 2027, 15 total in 2028 and 20 total each year from 2029 on. Previously, Medicare was prohibited by law from negotiating prices for prescription drugs. What it means for you: If you are prescribed one of the drugs with negotiated prices, you should see reduced prices starting in 2026. How much you could save depends on which drugs you take and the results of the negotiations. Open enrollment for Medicare starts October 15th call for an appointment with Todd if you want to look over your plan. There's no cost or obligation call 320-679-5183 or go to yoursafemoneyshow.com.

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