I wanted to warn you this morning, unfortunately, of another new scam targeting people who post on Facebook or Craigslist. Whether you’re trying to sell things or find a lost pet, scammers are trying to get your information. The scammers contact you and say they want to buy the item you’re selling — or that they found your pet. But before they commit to buying your item, or returning your pet, they hesitate. They might say they’ve heard about fake online listings and want to verify that you’re a real person. Or they might say they want to verify that you’re the pet’s true owner.”
At that point, the fraudster sends you a text message with a Google Voice verification code, asking you to give them the code. Once you do so, the crook uses the code to create a Google Voice number linked to your phone number.
The scammer can use the number to conceal his or her identity while ripping off others. Or scammers may try to get other information about you, so they can tap into your accounts or create accounts in your name. The FTC urges you never to share any verification code — including one from Google Voice — with anyone you have not contacted first. If you have already fallen victim to the scam, the FTC says you can go to Google and follow the steps to reclaim your number.
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