Wednesday, July 7, 2021

2021 tax information with retirement accounts

 Just a reminder on tax changes and amounts for 2021.

Many key dollar limits on retirement plans and IRAs remain the same for 2021. For example, the maximum contribution limits for 401(k), 403(b) and 457 plans stay at $19,500, while people born before 1972 can once again put in $6,500 more as a "catch-up" contribution. The 2021 cap on contributions to SIMPLE IRAs also stays the same at $13,500, plus an extra $3,000 for people age 50 and up.
The 2021 contribution limit for traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs also stays steady at $6,000, plus $1,000 as an additional catch-up contribution for individuals age 50 and up. However, the income ceilings on Roth IRA contributions went up. Contributions phase out in 2021 at adjusted gross incomes (AGIs) of $198,000 to $208,000 for couples and $125,000 to $140,000 for singles (up from $196,000 to $206,000 and $124,000 to $139,000, respectively, for 2020). If you have question call 320-679-5183 or go to

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