Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Interesting survey results

A recent survey has some telling results.
Every year, brokerage giant Charles Schwab has 1,000 people between age 21 and 75 surveyed to find out what they think it takes to be considered wealthy. The magic number, across all the participants, was around $2.4 million for 2017, 2018 and 2019.
This year, however, the figure has fallen about 17% to $2 million. It dropped even more, by 23%, when measured over just the past six months — in January, people had said they needed $1.6 million to feel rich.
Other perceptions have also changed. A question about which factors contribute the most to someone’s overall happiness — relationships, health, money, lifestyle and career — shows that the importance of relationships rose over the past six months, while that of money stayed largely the same. When results were broken down by generation, the influence of money on happiness fell slightly for millennials and Boomers, and increased for Gen X-ers.
After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 there was also a trend toward the importance of "relationships". A Pew Research Center survey of 1,500 people found 37% of respondents wanted to spend more time with family that holiday season, and 54% of parents were making an effort to spend more time with their kids.

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