Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Medicare Advantage plans

I want to clear up some confusion when it comes to Medicare Advantage plans.
Medicare Advantage is the privately managed alternative to Original Medicare. Many Medicare Advantage plans are HMOs that come with a network of participating doctors and hospitals. Nearly two-thirds (62%) of Medicare Advantage enrollees are in HMOs, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Some of these HMO networks can be restrictive, with relatively few participating hospitals and specialists available to their enrollees.
Original Medicare offers much broader access to doctors, because the program doesn’t have a network: beneficiaries can visit any doctor, specialist, hospital or urgent care center that accepts Medicare, anywhere in the country. Original Medicare is administered by the federal government, whereas Medicare Advantage plans are managed by private health plans that contract with the government to provide Part B outpatient services and Part A hospitalization coverage.
Medicare Open enrollment is going on now until December 7th. This is a great time to research and decide what your best options are. Call 320-679-5183 to make an appointment .

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