Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Creating a home inventory

Experts say having a good sense of what you own helps ensure you have enough and the right kind of coverage for your belongings — and should you suffer losses from disaster or theft, can make it easier to document and be fairly reimbursed for losses.
 So, creating a home inventory is a great way to keep track of what you have. You can hire professional inventory people or do the work yourself. There’re apps available to help for free or low cost, like Encirle or Nest Egg. You can also take pictures yourself and catalog the items and keep detailed information on the more expensive or hard to put a price on items in your home. 
Documentation of appraisals and or receipts make sure you’re fairly compensated along with good pictures.  Once you've logged your belongings, go back and review your insurance coverage to make sure it's a fit. It's also worth reviewing the terms of your coverage to make sure that your possessions will be covered for replacement value versus actual value.  If you purchase or receive new items add that to your inventory. Save your home inventory to a cloud service or save in a lock or strong box at your bank.

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