Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Limit medical billing errors

Many medical billing problems start because people don’t understand the basics of their insurance, including deductibles, coverage limits, and the network of providers. Be sure to understand what your insurance covers. Also make sure your clinic or doctor has your correct information on file too. Call the doctor’s office and provide your plan name and group number to confirm that the doctor is in your network. Check to see which hospitals in the area take your insurance.
 Some providers send bills before they’re processed by insurance, followed by more notices. It’s so confusing that many people pay what they don’t owe, while others wait too long after they get an overdue notice. To make sure you pay what you actually owe, wait until you get an explanation of benefits (EOB) for that date of service from your insurer. Look to see what insurance has paid and the amount that is your responsibility. At that point, you’ll get another bill from the provider reflecting the insurance payment and the amount due from you. If you get a medical bill that seems incorrect, call the provider and your insurer and explain why the bill seems wrong. Do this as soon as possible as there are time limits on accounts.

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