Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Homeowners insurance for older Americans

I don’t care what kind of insurance you have, homeowners, auto, life, health, as we get older the insurance has to be adjusted to fit our needs.
I thought we’d look at Homeowners insurance this time around. Let’s start with whether your coverage is up to date. This is important at any age but as we get older if we’ve had the policy for many years it might be time for an overview. Look at your deductible is it too low or high? Sign up for duplicate premium notices. All this does is protect an older home owner who might forget to pay the insurance after paying a mortgage for years out of escrow. Having a child or trusted love one get a premium notice also ensures a better chance of paying instead of being cancelled for failure to pay. Don’t be afraid to shop around for the best deal. Consider a rider for things like jewelry or other valuables. Buy umbrella insurance, the most overlooked coverage is personal liability. Buy enough personal liability coverage to equal your net worth. Be proactive and have your insurance person go over your policy and make changes as needed.
If you have questions call 320-679-5183.

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