Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Setting financial boundaries with adult children

When adult children are living at home for whatever reason, it’s good to have some kind of an end game and set financial boundaries.
First, it’s important to determine if you’re supporting or enabling your adult child.
Next, decide what you will and won’t pay for, this will vary in each family. The important piece is putting on paper what you agree to and reexamine the document on a regular basis or as the situation changes. The focus should be on getting the adult child to a point where they can live independently. Sometimes they can finally move out and pay most of their bills, but they might need help with insurance, for example. Again, each family has to go over a budget and decide what will work for them.
Having expectations and holding to an explicate time frame will keep everyone on the same page and lessen the chance for resentment.
The key is to get the adult child on their own and the parents back to saving for their retirement.

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