Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Hidden fees when renting a car

When renting a car there are certain fees that you need to be aware of. Let’s start with damage waiver coverage. Rental agents will push this coverage, however your own car insurance might already cover you, so check your policy before you buy.
Be sure to look the car over and take pictures of any scratches and make the agent aware so you aren’t charged for these damages.
Bring the car back with a full tank of gas, if you don’t they’ll mark up the price you’ll pay.
If renting a car after arriving at an airport, you’ll save by renting off site from the airport. If you rent right at the airport, you’ll pay a concession fee built right into your bill.
You could pay extra for every additional driver, so you might want to decide who will do all the driving.
Renting a GPS or a car seat isn’t free so be aware how you want to handle this.
Some credit card memberships or triple A for example, offer freebies to their members, you’ll want to find out what those offers are.

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