A report from CreditCards.com found that 85 of 100 frequently used credit cards offer at least one valuable perk and extended warranties are the most common. Credit cards that provide extended warranties don’t do so for all products that you buy.
Purchase security, is a benefit where your credit card company will repair or reimburse items that have been damaged, lost, or stolen.
If you buy something that drops in price within a certain time frame you can use price protection.
If you’ve tried to return an item only to find that the retailer will no longer accept it, your credit card company may be able to bail you out if it offers guaranteed returns.
You may not have realized that your credit card can help cover the cost of a new cell phone if yours is damaged or stolen. You need to pay your monthly cell-phone bill with a qualifying credit card.
And Missed-connection insurance. Travel delays can be frustrating and expensive, unless you bought your ticket with a credit card that offers travel delay or trip cancellation insurance. Figuring out what your card covers is as simple as calling the toll-free number on the back of your card and asking.
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