Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Lower utility bills

The winter of 2017–2018 is expected to be colder than last winter, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That means higher heating bills no matter what type of fuel you use.
Even as were into winter, here are ways to save on your utility bills. Seal any air leaks. Professionals perform a blower door test to identify air leaks. But you can try a low-tech version by turning on all of your home’s exhaust fans and holding an incense stick near windows, doors, and electrical outlets. If the smoke blows sideways, you have a leak that needs plugging. Next set your thermostat: If you haven’t upgraded to a programmable or smart thermostat yet, this is the winter to do so. The device will automatically lower the heat when you’re asleep or away from home. If you have forced-air heating you have a filter, be sure to change that filter depending on the grade, some you need to change monthly, some suggest every three months.
These simple changes can help you save on your heating costs.

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