Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Deer crashes

Car accidents with deer are especially common this time of year. 
Driving at dawn and dusk are the highest risk times for deer crashes. 
Hitting a deer can be costly: According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average cost of deer-crash insurance claims was $4,135 in 2015. If you have comprehensive coverage on your car insurance policy, hitting a deer is typically a covered loss. Keep in mind that for comprehensive coverage to apply, your vehicle must make physical contact with the deer. In other words, if you swerve to avoid hitting a deer and crash into another object or vehicle, you would need collision coverage to help repair damage to your car. When you purchase
comprehensive or collision coverage, you choose a set deductible. That's the amount you'll pay out of pocket before your insurer reimburses you for a covered claim.
Check with your agent to be sure you have proper coverage.
Any questions call 320-679-5183 and ask for Dennis Norby.

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