Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Deer crashes

Car accidents with deer are especially common this time of year. 
Driving at dawn and dusk are the highest risk times for deer crashes. 
Hitting a deer can be costly: According to the Insurance Information Institute, the average cost of deer-crash insurance claims was $4,135 in 2015. If you have comprehensive coverage on your car insurance policy, hitting a deer is typically a covered loss. Keep in mind that for comprehensive coverage to apply, your vehicle must make physical contact with the deer. In other words, if you swerve to avoid hitting a deer and crash into another object or vehicle, you would need collision coverage to help repair damage to your car. When you purchase
comprehensive or collision coverage, you choose a set deductible. That's the amount you'll pay out of pocket before your insurer reimburses you for a covered claim.
Check with your agent to be sure you have proper coverage.
Any questions call 320-679-5183 and ask for Dennis Norby.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Highlights for Your Safe Money Show 10-28-17

opics for Your Safe Money Show this Saturday,10-28-17, in the news this week we’ve been hearing a lot about 401(k) limits going up for 2018 but we’ve also heard of proposed cuts in the tax reform bill, I’ll get into those details with you today. 
The headline reads “why traditional retirement is dead”, what has changed?
And we haven’t talked about estate planning for a while, so we’ll have a refresher course for you. 
Tune in Saturday morning at 7:30 at 95.5 FM, KBEK. They stream live at kbek.com. To hear recent shows podcast go to yoursafemoneyshow.com.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

MnSure 2018

There seems to be a bit of confusion about MnSure. To clarify, MNsure is Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace, where you can shop, compare and choose health coverage. It is the only place you can qualify for financial help through federal tax credits or MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance.
MnSure does not set the prices for health insurance, the health insurance companies do.
We are again serving as a MNsure Broker Enrollment Center during the 2018 open enrollment period, which runs November 1, 2017, to January 14, 2018.
Keep in mind that if you need your insurance to start January 1st you will need to get coverage by December 15th.
If you want to learn more about your health insurance options or you need help with the application or enrollment process call for an appointment today at 320-679-5183 or go to the website yoursafemoneyshow.com.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Highlights for October 21 Your Safe Money Show

Tune in this Saturday morning (10-21-17) at 7:30 for Your Safe Money Show at 95.5FM KBEK. They stream live at kbek.com.
This might sound kind of crazy, but if you had 1 million dollars going into retirement, how long would it last? We’ll see by state, where it will last the longest.
Minnesota is known for being a high tax state, where does that money go?
Also, if you have traditional Medicare, you’ll need to be sure that your treatment is covered, I’ll explain.
And if you’re a snowbird you’ll want to learn about financial planning that can save you money in the long run.
Hear recent shows at the podcast page at yoursafemoneyshow.com.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Beware of flood damaged vehicles

Flood damaged vehicles will be hitting the market soon, and you
need to be aware of what to watch out for if you’re in the market for a used car or truck.
Inspect the carpets to see if they show signs of having been waterlogged, such as smelling musty or having caked-on mud. Likewise, brand-new carpets in an older vehicle may be another red flag. Check the seat-mounting screws to see if there’s any evidence that they have been removed.
Inspect the lights. Headlights and taillights are expensive to replace, and a visible water line may still show on the lens or reflector.
Inspect the difficult-to-clean places, such as gaps between panels in the trunk and under the hood. Waterborne mud and debris may still appear in these places.
Search around the engine compartment. Water lines and debris can appear in hard-to-clean places, such as behind the engine. Check to see if the rubber drain plugs under the car and on the bottom of doors look as if they have been removed recently. That may have been done to drain floodwater.
Before buying a used vehicle, a detailed inspection is the best protection.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Your Safe Money Show highlights for October 14th

Your Safe Money Show topics this week, (10-14-17) with Open Enrollment for Medicare starting October 15th and running through December 7th, I am going to cover what Medicare is all about, the parts, when and how to enroll, and how important it is to examine your Part D, especially during this Open enrollment period.
Last week we talked about the pros and cons of owning your own home, and a natural next question is “how much house can you afford”? If you’re in the market for a home, this needs to be understood before you start looking.
And to have a successful retirement there’s one thing that stands out, I’ll tell you what that is. 
Tune in at 7:30 Saturday morning's at 95.5 FM KBEK for Your Safe Money Show. They stream live at kbek.com. Hear recent shows at yoursafemoneyshow.com.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Your Safe Money Show October 7th Topics

Here's highlights for the October 7 Your Safe Money Show. We’ve heard about the hurricanes, and along with so much devastation, people’s vehicles are flood damaged. We’ll look at the demand for vehicles to replace those damaged by flooding and the concerns about water damaged vehicles being sold to unknowing car buyers, and what to watch out for.
We will also go over the pros and cons of owning your home free and clear.
And when it comes to managing your money, there are basic rules that can really help keep you on track. I’ll have those rules for you. Hear the show Saturday mornings at 7:30 on KBEK 95.5 FM. They stream live at kbek.com. Hear recent shows at our podcast page at yoursafemoneyshow.com.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Social Security

Social Security checks don’t always provide enough to live on. Fortunately, there’s no rule saying you can’t work and receive benefits at the same time. However, Social Security does limit the amount people who retire before their full retirement age can earn while still receiving benefits.
In 2017, the earnings limit is $16,920. What happens if you exceed the earnings limit? Social Security will withhold $1 in benefits for every $2 over the limit you earn. 
The money isn’t gone forever, though. Once you hit age 66 the earnings limit is lifted and you’ll receive credit for any benefits that were withheld in the past.
In 2017, most workers will pay 6.2% in Social Security tax on the first $127,200 of income. Compared to 2016, that works out to a tax increase of $539.40 for anyone whose income hits or exceeds the cap.
If you have questions call 855-22money, or go to yoursafemoneyshow.com.