Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Color of money system

Throughout our working years, we attempt to accumulate as many eggs as possible into our retirement nest. In other words, we “save” money in a variety of accounts to use in retirement.  
While accumulating your desired amount in retirement assets is important, it is just as important to have your money in assets that represent the level of RISK or SAFETY you want. Some people are more cautious some like to take more chances with their money.  
Well one of the easiest ways to determine where you should have your retirement assets allocated is to use “the color system for your money”.
By going to our website yoursafemoneyshow.com, you’ll see at the home page, the color of money icon, click on that to start the free interactive risk analysis. There are 11 simple questions to answer that will provide you insight of your overall risk preferences. Once you understand the amount of risk you can handle, you can start the road map for your retirement. 

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