Tuesday, March 21, 2017

What NOT to carry in your wallet

If your wallet or purse would be lost or stolen, there are certain things you’d be better off not having inside that wallet or purse. Here’s some suggestions, don’t leave receipts in your wallet. If you pay with a credit or debit card, the information on the receipt is enough for hackers to get into your account.
Don’t carry ALL your credit cards, just have maybe a debit or one credit card that way you only have to deal with contacting a few companies if your wallet is lost or stolen.
Don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet. If someone gets that they have your identity too.
And finally stop carrying your check book in your wallet. With today’s electronic banking, once they have your routing and account number, they can get your money.
We live in a world where you have to protect yourself from identity thieves and limiting what you carry in your wallet makes a lot of sense.

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