Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Retirement planning

There’s more to a retirement plan than the finances, but let’s be realistic, the money piece is very important. If you can be sure that you will have income that will last all the way through your retirement, that’s a huge weight off your shoulders. As pensions, have gone away, we have to be responsible for our own retirement income. I’ve seen people so confused on where to start and what to do. Instead of meeting with a financial professional they do nothing. It can be overwhelming. There’s a lot to consider. Inflation which has been low for a while, needs to be factored in for a 20 to 30-year retirement plan. Healthcare has become such a big money drain that we must move that into the top concerns in a retirement plan. WHEN you decide to take your Social Security, benefits can make a huge difference in how much income you’ll have. So, you want to make sure you get all you have coming in benefits. Minimizing outstanding debt and taxes in retirement is key to long term planning. Let’s start your plan today. 

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