Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Is insurance worth the cost?

I wanted to talk about insurance today. I’ve worked in the insurance field for over 20 years and I know many people feel insurance is a necessary evil. When it comes to most insurance today you have to have it, driving a car, owning a home, even with health insurance. As much as we hate to pay every month for coverage for our home, vehicles, health, and life, without it if something bad happens, it could devastate you and your family’s lives. Your home burns, you’re in a bad car accident, the loss of a loved one, with insurance coverage you can pick up the pieces with the financial backing you’ve paid for. What’s that worth to you? 

At Sjoberg & Holmstrom Financial Services we work with many companies to offer you the best protection and equitable solutions for the coverage you need.  Having the right kind of insurance is an important part of a good financial plan. 

 Call us and find out what we can do for you. 

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