Friday, November 1, 2013

Get Their Mitts Off Your Nest Egg Workshop!

Here's your last chance to be part of a workshop called "Get Their Mitts Off Your Nest Egg"! 
Tuesday November 5th at 10 a.m. at Dresser-Methven Funeral Home at 124 Maple Ave. in Mora.
 Also on Wednesday November 6th at 10 a.m. at Mille Lacs Funeral home on HWY 47 in Isle.
 There are a few seats left! You can reserve your spot at 877-812-0259 or  go to the contact us page here at the website.
The workshop normally lasts around 60 minutes. 
You will:
Learn how to reduce or eliminate paying taxes on Social security Income!
Learn how to insure against stock market declines and low interest returns from banks!
Learn about Safe Money Strategies!
Learn how to avoid probate and the associated costs!
Learn how to protect your assets from nursing home spend down!
Learn about medicare changes!
Nothing will be sold at this workshop! Leave the check books at home!

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