Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Lighter Side of News Wednesday (hump day) August 21, 2013:

The all-electric Tesla Model S automobile broke a record for government safety tests. The highest a car can score is 5 but the Model S received an off-the-scale 5.4. 

In Vacone, Italy, the restaurant Solo Per Due caters to two people at a time. The owner wants couples to experience an exclusive dining experience. Dining there costs approximately $335 per person.

A new study claims one in four dogs is clinically depressed and show signs such as pacing, chasing their tail, howling and pooping. A group called Home Alone Dogs says the reason for all the downer dogs is that so many pooches are left at home during the day and miss their masters.

A survey found half of us experience desk rage while at work and it doesn't take much to set us off. The worst day of the week for desk rage: Monday, of course. What sets us off the most: computer crashes.

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